Tuesday, July 8

Paging Ms. Violet Schnabel and Mr. Phineas Matova...

A certain aether-journal has asked me to write an article concerning activities in the steampunk worlds, from the perspective of the resident avatar. If this article goes well, this could herald a new special edition of the journal appealing specifically to us Neo-Victorians.

I would like to write my first article about the arsonist unicorn sightings. Not to make light of Mr. Matova's raging psychosis malady in any sense of the world, I hopeful that getting him to talk about his troubles will help him ovrecome them. I am willing to meet Mr. Matova on neutral ground, or better yet near open water.


~Dr. Mason


Phineas Matova said...

Of course, Dr Mason (hic) as soon as I find my trousers...

Violet Schnabel said...

If you want perhaps...a counterpoint to my cousin's erm...ramblings, I am happy to provide one.